T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)

T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)/ 本集团公司母公司设立于台湾, 是来自台湾的领导品牌

T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)


T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)
T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)


我们的T-bar 轻钢架由热浸镀锌钢材制成, 材料符合JIS G3302 SGCC 标准. 全面采用全自动机器生产, 除了可以满足高效率的生产速度外, 产品的尺寸更可以被精准掌控


  • 搭接, 白色

System consists of

 GI : 0.35mm / Main Runner: 38mm (height)

ItemSize in metricSize in imperialGI thicknessDimension
Main Runner3.6M (3600mm)12FT (3660mm)0.35mm24x38mm
Cross Tee1.2M (1200mm)4FT (1220mm)0.35mm24x26mm
Cross Tee0.6M (600mm)2FT (610mm)0.35mm24x26mm
Wall Angle3.6M (3600mm)0.40mm 22x22 / 24x24mm
Wall Angle3.0M (3000mm)0.40mm 22x22 / 24x24mm

GI : 0.30mm / Main Runner : 38mm (height)

ItemSize in metricSize in imperialGI thicknessDimension
Main Runner3.6M (3600mm)12FT (3660mm)0.30mm24x38mm
Cross Tee1.2M (1200mm)4FT (1220mm)0.30mm24x26mm
Cross Tee0.6M (600mm)2FT (610mm)0.30mm24x26mm
Wall Angle3.6M (3600mm)0.40mm 22x22 / 24x24mm
Wall Angle3.0M (3000mm)0.40mm 22x22 / 24x24mm


  • [;;;;;;;;;;
Ceiling suspension grid
Fire expansion joint within each length of main runner. Ceiling suspension grid
Before Fire
Effect after exposure to fire conditions. Ceiling suspension grid
After Fire
Ceiling suspension grid Assembly System

Installation Steps

  • Step 1: Measuring and planning: Determine the lines for main runners and cross tees in such a way that tiles about the wall are at least half a tile (300mm)
  • Step 2: Mark the desired ceiling height: Measure and mark the walls at all corners above the installation level. Snap a chalk line and test for level.
  • Step 3: Inserting a nail between the wall and the wall angle at marked location serves as a good anchor for this purpose. Check to be sure the cross tee string is at 90°
  • Step 4: Attach the main runners to the hangers
  • Step 5: Install cross tees, assuring that they are adequately connected to main runners
  • Step 6: Lay in panels, beginning at one corner and completing row by row.

Each tee grids must be fitted always in the left position (Grey Color) of the slot. Hear the sound "Click"!

Need no tools!
Push, through the left thumb.
Then the tee's edge and simultaneously we pull the tee with our right palm.

Main Runners Disassembly
The disassembly must be done by a screwdriver with a slim tip.



綠木T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)服务简介

綠木企業股份有限公司是台湾一家拥有超过26年经验的专业T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)生产制造服务商. 我们成立于西元1987年, 在天花板与轻隔间的室内装饰材料供应领域上,綠木提供专业高品质的T-bar 轻钢架(24mm平面)制造服务,綠木总是可以达成客户各种品质要求
